Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer

Not a day goes by here in the Baltimore area that one or more people are either badly hurt or killed in a roadway crash, interstate collision or beltway accident. Car, truck and motorcycle wrecks are simply a fact of modern life, and sadly, so are the hundreds and thousands of innocent victims who find themselves sent to the hospital for injuries ranging from mild to life-threatening. As professional trial attorneys, we at the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers, sympathize with those individuals who find themselves not only physically compromised, but threatened with financial hardship all because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The victim of a car, truck or motorcycle accident may have just cause to file a personal injury claim in cases where he or she has been injured either intentionally or through the careless actions of another driver. Not only are personal injury lawsuits filed against individual motorists, but these kinds of claims can also be filed against companies or other entities because of injuries sustained due to a dangerous or defective product. In such instances, the lawsuit usually names the manufacturer or distributor of a product if the plaintiff believes that they can be proven legally responsible for causing the victim’s injuries.

When choosing a law firm to represent you, consider the firm’s track record, as well as the background and knowledge of the individual attorneys. A skilled lawyer who is experienced in auto injury claims will also be able to explain the various damages that can be sought against a defendant. Seeking both compensatory as well as punitive damages is very common in cases of injury-related car and commercial trucking collisions. Very simply, compensatory damages are intended to help a victim to recover from his or her injuries as fully as possible. Punitive damages can also be pursued, under certain circumstances, by which the defendant is punished financially by the court for causing injury to the victim.

At Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers, we know that any medical treatment can be expensive. Certainly, for victims of severe car or truck crashes, being compensated for those hospital bills is very much a top priority. Our legal team does its best to ensure that clients recover those damages associated with medical costs, as well as lost wages for the time they spent in the hospital recovering from their injuries. Furthermore, we endeavor to ensure that the responsible party is made to pay for any future medical, rehabilitative or long-term care necessitated by the original accident.

When choosing a personal injury attorney it is best to ask questions and understand the answers. Keep in mind that while it is possible to settle a claim without the help of a qualified Maryland personal injury law firm, odds are that the insurance company will offer less of a recovery than if the accident victim retains an experienced lawyer.

Once the decision has been made to hire an attorney, the Yellow Pages or online resources can be a good place to start, though firsthand referrals from satisfied clients are also very useful. Many local bar associations provide a referral service as well; some referral services are able to provide a list of attorneys presorted by their qualifications and levels of expertise, while information provided by other services may not make it as easy to pick a qualified lawyer. In any case, it is wise to inquire about the screening methods used by the particular referral service when searching for a reputable lawyer.

When you do settle on a particular attorney, the next step is to schedule an initial consultation. Like many professional trial attorneys in the Maryland and Washington, D.C., area, Lebowitz & Mzhen offers a free, no-obligation initial consultation. During the consult, you will want to provide the attorney with details of your traffic-related injury accident. Have as much of your case’s related documentation, such as an official police report as well as any correspondence with your auto insurance carrier.

In addition, be sure to ask questions of your prospective lawyer. This will help you to understand his or her qualifications, including the ability to effectively argue your case in a court of law. Check on the attorney’s educational background; how long he has been practicing law and how many personal injury claims he has litigated and/or successfully settled.

Once the attorney has had a chance to review your situation, inquire as to whether he believes that your injury claim has a chance of success by going to trial. Or, if you wish to avoid a trial, ask whether the attorney would honor your wish to accept a lower amount in an out-of-court settlement. It is safe to say that you should not be represented by an attorney who is reticent to honor your wishes; for example, if you prefer to accept an out-of-court settlement offer versus being pressed by your attorney to continue pursuing a courtroom trial.

As experienced auto accident attorneys, Lebowitz & Mzhen endeavors to find the best solution for our clients’ personal injury claims. Our goal is to assist victims of automobile and commercial trucking wrecks in recovering the maximum possible damages following a negligence-related traffic accident. Having represented numerous individuals who have been badly hurt in car, truck and motorcycle accidents, the legal staff at Lebowitz & Mzhen knows the pain and discomfort that many victims must endure during their physical recovery; we try to make the legal recovery process as easy and stress-free as possible.

If you or someone you love has been seriously hurt in a car crash, tractor-trailer collision, or pedestrian accident, we recommend contacting a qualified auto accident lawyer as soon as you are able. For the best results, it is critical that you retain an attorney who is experienced in handling these types of injury-related traffic accidents. The professionals at Lebowitz & Mzhen are ready to serve you. Just give a call to our law offices at (800) 654-1949 and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. If you prefer, you can email either Jack Lebowitz or Vadim Mzhen to set up a one-on-one meeting to discuss your auto accident case.

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